Personal Development Overview
The development of our students' wider personal skills and character is at the centre of our curriculum, so it helps students improve their academic achievement and be thoughtful citizens that can make informed choices. Opportunities to develop in these areas are threaded throughout the curriculum which includes delivering the PSHE curriculum, covering the personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) of students. This follows statutory guidance on drugs education, financial & careers guidance (CIAG), sex and relationships education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle (healthy schools).
Included in the curriculum is spiritual, social, moral and cultural education (SMSC) covering fundamental British Values and the current issues of The Prevent Agenda.
All of the above is embedded into the curriculum and delivered through all subjects, particularly Ethics & Character lessons. The offer is enhanced through a series of deeper learning days, form time and assemblies.
British Values
Democracy is consistently reinforced. We use democratic processes for some key decisions, such as holding elections for Head Boy and Head Girl. Democracy is explored further in subjects including History and RS, as well as in form time, drop down days and assemblies. Student Voice and Head of School breakfasts ensure that our students feel part of decisions taken within the school.
The importance of laws are consistently reinforced in assemblies and throughout the school day. Students learn the values and reasons behind the laws that govern and protect us. They learn about the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.
Our students learn to manage their behaviour and take responsibility for their actions. Our staff in turn are committed to providing a consistent environment. An environment of this type enables students to feel safe and secure, promoting excellent conditions for learning to take place.
We encourage students to become good and valued citizens. We have created an environment where all students feel safe and where choices and freedoms are encouraged within the realms of the school’s expectations. We offer a range of co-curricular activities which students have the freedom to choose from, based on their interests, so that individual talents can be built upon.
The King's School also participates in a number of charity fundraisers each year.
Mutual respect is fundamental at The King's School. Students learn to treat each other and staff with great respect and respect their environment by not dropping litter.
All students are respected and valued equally regardless of their ability, gender, faith, heritage or race.
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum in which all major religions are studied at KS3. Our assemblies help all students to find out about themselves and others; linking their lives to the communities in which they belong. We place great emphasis on providing opportunities to participate in events and celebrations to broaden all students’ experiences and awareness of others, through drop down days and educational visits.
We actively support the view that all students should be protected from radicalisation and extremism. Our approach is in line with the government’s CONTEST (counter-terrorist) and PREVENT (stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism) strategies. Messages of hate can take many forms and extremist groups use them to recruit young people. Parents can find more information, including advice on protecting their children, by clicking here.
Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural knowledge gives students opportunities to reflect on their experiences and how they are developing. It helps them to understand and manage responsibly a range of behaviours as they mature. It also helps them to show respect for the diversity of and differences between people.
SMSC is embedded throughout the curriculum in a variety of ways, for example, during form time, assemblies, within lessons, deeper learning days and co-curricular activities.
This relates to the quest for individual identity and the search for meaning and purpose in our existence. It leads towards the understanding of self and others. It has to do with feelings, emotions, attitudes and beliefs. It is not linked solely to a particular doctrine or faith and spiritual development is therefore accessible to everyone.
A student's social development is shown by how they can socialise and fit in a variety of different contexts, situations and environments. They can hold conversations in a classroom, but also at social times such as break and at the dinner table. They will understand a range of different cultural influences that have shaped and developed their own background and respect that of others. They will be confident at expressing opinions and listening to other opinions whether that be about sport, music or politics.
The King's School Identity
Our four values of Respect, Responsibility, Determination and Excellence form the core of what we call the The King's School Identity; the ‘golden thread’ which binds together all students who walk through our doors. These values reiterate positive attitudes to build character and encompass everything that we try to instil in our students on a daily basis to support them to become the best versions of themselves they can possibly be.
We treat others how we would like to be treated, showing kindness and good manners. We are honest, demonstrate good morals and do the right thing even when no one is watching.
We believe in ourselves to be the best that we can be and do not give up.
At all times we display a ‘whatever it takes’ attitude; we get on, do it and make it happen.