Rewards and Recognition

At The King’s School we are proud of the successes of both our school community as a whole and individuals within the school. We believe in recognising and rewarding achievement and success. We believe that no goal is beyond possibility for our students and we encourage their aspirations and achievements in a variety of ways. Rewards and recognition are key for us in emphasising the positive and ensuring excellent behaviour and effort.

King's Points

To streamline our existing rewards system, we introduced King’s Points, which amalgamates both existing achievement points and values points. King’s Points are awarded for demonstrating any of the King's Student Values, such as respect, responsibility, determination, or excellence, both in and out of lessons. In addition to daily recognition, we want to celebrate students who consistently display positive behaviours. Hence, students will automatically receive weekly King’s Points for:

  • Weekly 100% attendance.
  • Weekly zero behaviour points.

King’s Points Milestones

Certificates will be awarded at termly celebration assemblies based on King’s Points Milestones:

  • Diamond (700 points)
  • Platinum (500 points)
  • Gold (400 points)
  • Silver (300 points)
  • Bronze (150 points)


Accolades serve as a way to acknowledge the success of students beyond a single King’s Point. They are one-off awards, and the two main accolades are:

  • A postcard home issued to a student by their Teacher, Form Tutor, Year Leader or Student Liaison Officer for outstanding work, contributions or significant improvement. Students will also be issued with two King’s Points.
  • A Headteacher certificate issued to a student for exceptional work over a sustained period or an exceptional demonstration of one of the King’s Student Values. In addition to the Headteacher certificate, students will be awarded with three King’s Points, further emphasising the exceptional nature of their achievement.

Honor Roll Board

Our Roll of Honour Board will spotlight students nominated by subject areas for consistently demonstrating the King's Student Values, acknowledged in termly rewards assemblies, and displayed on our Roll of Honour Board within school.

Celebration Assemblies

Rewards assemblies will take place at the end of each term where students may receive subject certificates and other rewards for excellent effort and attainment, displaying the King’s Student Values or having 100% attendance.

Annual KS3 and KS4 Celebration Evening

A special KS3 and KS4 Celebration Evening will be held in the summer term, offering an opportunity for a formal celebration of success. Students will receive invitations to attend this prestigious celebration evening, dedicated to acknowledging their remarkable achievements. Students will be chosen by their Teachers for academic prizes, 100% attendance awards, and recognition on the King’s Points Leader Board for the top 10 students in each year group.

Annual Rewards Trip

Students achieving the gold status milestone (400+ King’s Points) by May half-term will be invited to the annual rewards trip to a theme park in the final summer term, providing they have demonstrated excellent behaviour and attitudes throughout the year. In addition to this, students who achieve 97%+ attendance will be invited to our ‘Attendance Extravaganza’ fun fair experience in the final term

X (Twitter) Celebrations

We are committed to celebrating our students' achievements throughout the year on our school X account (@PATKingsSchool), where we showcase exemplary work, sports triumphs, fundraising activities, and more. Please follow us to stay updated on the remarkable successes of our students and our fantastic school community.

GCSE Results Day

This is what it all leads up to, GCSE Results Day! We absolutely love to welcome our students back to collect their GCSE results and to help them celebrate their achievements.