E Safety Guidance

Using the Internet, mobile phones and games consoles are now an everyday part of young people's lives. However, there are risks for children and as parents/carers you need to know how to protect your child effectively.

We have created this page to give you some tips on how you can keep your child safe, as well as provide you with some informative websites where you can find out more information.

Some top tips for parents/carers:

  • Communicate with your child about their online habits.
  • If your child has Facebook, insist that they add you as a friend.
  • Have up to date anti-virus protection.
  • Set up parental controls via your Internet Service Provider (ISP) - your ISP will be able to provide more information about how this is done.
  • Familiarise yourself with this website.
  • Always seek advice if you are unsure.

Additional Advice